Adulthood; a trap

Alishba Saqib.
2 min readMay 16, 2021

Well, how to put my feelings into words. Honestly, I have no freaking idea. Let’s travel back into the past, 2017, sounds good I guess. Impatient, hypersensitive, nosey, irresponsible, low self-confidence, emotionally weak, egoistic, and whatnot. What is typical teenage behavior? Whatever comes to your mind I’m that! These past 4 years have changed me to the quite opposite of what I just said.🌼

What changed me? How it all happened? Well, it’s still a mystery to me.

But I know one thing that the people in your life no matter good or bad, will put you through a lot and that changes you. For good or for bad? It’s up to you!🎢 For me these 4 years of the journey from a wild teenager to a mature adult, was not less than a rollercoaster ride; been through worse and best moments, met worse and the best people, and experienced worse and the best things…🌈

And don’t get me started on adulthood? In my opinion, it is a trap. I mean growing up it seems like a big deal to me. I wanted to grow fast and start my adult life. Guess what? It all happened fast and there’s no way out now!

On this road of adulthood, I go through changes. Things were happening way too fast! Your brain is growing, developing, evolving and so does your behavior. You started to experience the pressure of society, that adulthood is some kind of a rank you achieved after a certain age. You are told to act a certain way, follow certain rules, and even restrain showing emotions. You are forced to fit into society and not encouraged to blend in with it.

People made me felt ashamed when I think of putting myself out of the box of the societal norms for adults. I think that you shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to be yourself and to step out of the box. Adulthood is not a degree or an act you’re preparing for all your teenage years. It’s a charge that you take on your life and learn to manage with time.

You smile, laugh, or cry. Do things you like without expecting much in return. Explore crazy things. Show love to the ordinary in your life. You don’t have to act and pretend anymore! You have complete freedom to express your feelings and emotions out loud. For your good!

I learned to adopt the beneficial aspects of thinking like a child, along with the maturity and responsibility as an adult. Just keep on going never settle unless you become a self-satisfied version of yourself. 🌠



Alishba Saqib.

Struggling through life and writing for self satisfaction! 💌